Stud Service
Policies, Pricing & More
After a lot of thought and careful planning, we have made the decision to offer "Driveway Breedings" with bucks. The health and safety of our herd means a lot to us, therefore we are requiring some basic testing to ensure our herd's safety:
- All does must have originated from a clean tested herd, with a recent negative test for CAE, Johnes, Brucellosis and CL (Also known as CLA). If you are unsure on how to get these tests done, feel free to contact us for help! We have our tests run through our NJ State Lab. WADDL is another reputable lab. We do not accept test results from Sage Labs.
We ask that all coming to the farm for stud service follow and respect our farm's biosecurity protocols. Please wear a different pair of shoes than the pair you wear on your farm. No horned does are allowed whatsoever. We do not like to keep does at our farm overnight. If a doe is not truly ready that day, expect to bring them back the next day. If you are traveling from a long distance, feel free to PM us to see if we are able to accommodate an overnight stay (this is not always possible).
If the doe does not settle, she will be allowed to come back as many times as needed. You will not be charged again as the doe was not truly "bred." Please ensure all mineral deficiencies are taken care of prior to breeding to avoid unnecessary trips.
We will not allow our bucks to travel to other properties. Breedings are only offered on-site at our farm.
(Click each Buck's Link to Visit their Page)
If you have purchased a doe from us, that doe's first breeding is free. Every breeding afterwards is given at a discounted rate.
(Prices may be subject to change as a buck and his progeny are proven. A buck's own awards, dam's awards, and progeny's awards are all factored into the price)
*B Wings & Caprines GunMetal Grey - $100 per breeding ($75 for buyers)
Wings & Caprines Shade of Blue - $75 per breeding ($50 for buyers)
Casa Ram PL D'Artagnan - $75 per breeding ($50 for buyers)
Cedar Shade GB Winchester - $50 per breeding ($30 for buyers)
Wings & Caprines Wander-N-Star - $50 per breeding ($30 for buyers)
For those looking to register any progeny from a driveway breeding, service memos will be given once kids are on the ground. We prefer to do service memos online but can fill out and mail a paper form if needed. Our herd is registered with the American Dairy Goat Association, but we have plans to dual-register with the American Goat Society to offer service memos through them as well. All fees associated with service memos are the responsibility of the owner.
Please feel free to message us with any questions or concerns! We are more than happy to help new owners with the breeding/kidding process!