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White Crested Black Polish 

In Stock


Please make sure you are prepared with a carrying device to pick up your chicks, and a brooder box ready at home for your precious chicks!


 (See our Chick Care Guide for pictures and more information regarding brooder boxes and general chick care!)

If you would like to reserve some chicks, please fill out our contact form! We will email you when the chicks are ready for pick-up! Check out our Facebook Page (@cedarshadefarmnj) to keep up-to-date with our latest hatching news! 

Day-Old Chick - Unsexed  -       $5.00

4-Week Old Chick - Unsexed -   $10.00


8 Week-Old Pullet -                       $15.00

8 Week-Old Cockerel -                  $5.00


12 Week-Old Pullet -                     $20.00

12 Week-Old Cockerel -                $7.00


6 Fertile Hatching Eggs -              $7.50

12 Fertile Hatching Eggs -            $15.00


Please note that prices may vary slightly depending on the quality of a bird. Quality is not guaranteed on chicks or eggs, and cannot really be evaluated until the bird is closer to 12 weeks old

History/Breed Information 

Coming Soon!

Our White Crested Black Polish Bantam Flock

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