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Welcome to Cedar Shade Farm

Ornamental Large Fowl & Bantam Chickens
ADGA-Registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats

 Located in Corbin City, NJ 
NPIP Certified ~ Clean Tested Herd ~ ADGA Plus Herd 


Located in Corbin City, NJ ~ CAE, CL, Johnes, Brucellosis Negative Herd ~ NPIP Certified Poultry 


Welcome to Cedar Shade Farm! Thank you for visiting our page!


What we do:


At our farm, we raise purebred, American Dairy Goat Association-registered Nigerian Dwarf Goats as dairy animals, as well as many ornamental, rare and/or heritage (mostly bantam) chicken breeds for egg laying and exhibition


                                             We breed our Nigerian Dwarfs goats for the ultimate goal of improving the                                                   breed by producing consistent, quality animals that can perform well in the                                                 show ring and in the milk pail. We participate in ADGA shows, Dairy Herd                                                     Improvement Registry/Milk Test and Linear Appraisal to better evaluate and                                                 'prove' the animals we have in our herd. In addition to breeding for overall                                                   conformation and milk production, breeding for sweet temperaments,                                                           parasite resistance and longevity to maintain their health well past their                                                         productive years, are major goals of ours as well


As for our chickens, we breed our birds to the American Poultry Assocation

and American Bantam Association standards of perfection, with their health

and longevity in mind. Currently, we raise a variety of different bantam and

large fowl breeds and show our chickens at APA and/or ABA sanctioned

shows on occasion


Thank you for visiting our page! 😊



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All Rights Reserved by Cana Patterson -  All photos are property of Cedar Shade Farm unless specified, photos may not be used without permission
Please review all sales policies before inquiring about purchasing an animal, hatching eggs, etc. We can be reached through the form on our contact page, via Facebook, Instagram or email ( Thank you for your interest in our farm!
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