Cedar Shade EB Marceline
Born: 4/29/2022
- Cedar Shade EB Aria
Offspring: N/A
Horn Status: Disbudded
DD: 1*M EOTL CocoChanel | VVVV 87 (05-03)
DS: *B EOTL Blackjack | +VV 83 (01-03)
DSD: 2*M GCH Little Tots Estate Rosmarinus |VEVE 90 (6 y/o)
DSS: 1*M SGCH End of the Line Brennan | VVVE 89 (05-11)
Sire: Wings & Caprines Shade of Blue
SD: 2*M Wings & Caprines LJR Berlin | VEEV 89 (03-03)
SDD: 1*M SG JNR Homestead Ruth | VEEV 89 (06-03)
SDS: Peaceful Thoughts Lil' Joe
SS: +*B CUATLILREDBARN Kiegh | +EV 88 (03-03)
SSD: 4*M SGCH CUATLILREDBARN Dust Bunny | EEEE 91 (06-05)
SSS: Old Mountain Farm Shyloh
Full pedigree to the right, pictures of close relatives & progeny below
ADGA Sanctioned Show History:
Howard County Open Dairy Goat Show (0 - 4 1/2 m/o Class) - 11th
('Marcy was one of the youngest kids in the class)
(Judge Jane Bailey) 8/4/2022
Queen Anne's County Combined Open Dairy Goat Show (0-3 m/o class) - 5th
(Judge Karen Smith) 8/12/2022
NJ State Fair (0-3 m/o class) Ring 1 - 13th
(Judge Christine Grant) 8/13/2022
NJ State Fair (0-3 m/o class) Ring 2 - 11th
(Judge Danielle Carolei) 8/13/2022
The Great Frederick Fair - 9th
(Judge Jean Lucas) 9/24/2022
Milk Test/DHIA Records
Dam's Pedigree/Photos
Dam: EOTL B Escada
DD: 1*M End of the Line CocoChanel | VVVV 87 (05-03)
Photo Credit: https://www.endofthelinefarm.com/
DS *B EOTL Blackjack
Photo Credit: https://www.endofthelinefarm.com/
DSD: 1*M SGCH End of the Line Brennan | VVVE 89 (05-11)
Photo Credit: https://www.endofthelinefarm.com/
Dec. 2015 ELITE - 95th Pct
Summer 2016 ELITE - 96th Pct | Dec. 2016 ELITE - 97th Pct
Aug. 2017 ELITE - 97th Pct | Dec. 2017 ELITE - 98th Pct
Sire's Pedigree/Photos​
Sire: Wings & Caprines Shade of Blue
SD: Wings & Caprines LJR Berlin | VEEV 89 (03-03)
SS: *B CUATLILREDBARN Kiegh | +EV 88 (03-03)
SSD: 4*M SGCH CUATLILREDBARN Dust Bunny | EEEE 91 (06-05)
2nd place/2nd udder @ 2018 ADGA Nationals
Aug. 2017 ELITE - 97th Pct | Dec. 2017 ELITE - 98th Pct
Aug. 2018 ELITE - 96th Pct | Dec. 2018 ELITE - 97th Pct
Aug. 2019 ELITE - 95th Pct | Aug. 2020 ELITE - 95th Pct