3*M Rarebird Farm VV Amusement
Born: 2/21/2022
Freshenings: 2
Notable Offspring:
- 4*M Cedar Shade AD Gingersnap Kat
Horn Status: Disbudded

Full pedigree to the right, pictures of close relatives & progeny below
Amusement (Musey) is such a strong, powerful yet dairy doe we are so happy to have in our herd! She is so productive with great udder texture, teat size/diameter and length! She has excellent depth of body, udder height and is wide throughout with great rump width and a nearly level rump angle!
DHIA/Milk Testing Records
Dam's Pedigree/Photos
Dam: 2*M Top Hat Farm CF Sand Box Rules | VVVV 87 (05-04) (85th Prct)
Photo Credit: Top Hat Farm and Rarebird Farm

DS: +*B Proctor Hill Farm Count Fleet
Photo Credit: Top Hat Farm

Sire's Pedigree/Photos​
Sire: *B Buffalo Clover Val Versace | VEV 88 (01-06) *DNA*
Alpha s1 Casein B/B
Photo Credit: Rarebird Farm (Robin Akeret)
SD: 2*M SG Buffalo Clover Lady Diana | VEEV 88 (05-01)

SS: ++B Buffalo Clover Valentino | EEE 91 (06-02) *DNA*

Full Sister to Versace: GCH Buffalo Clover Patches | EEEE 91 (04-01)


4*M Cedar Shade AD Gingersnap Kat
D: 3*M Rarebird Farm VV Amusement
Cedar Shade AD Molten Lava
D: 3*M Rarebird Farm VV Amusement
Cedar Shade AD Golden Ticket
D: 3*M Rarebird Farm VV Amusement

Cedar Shade AD Rupa
D: 3*M Rarebird Farm VV Amusement
Cedar Shade AD Rani
D: 3*M Rarebird Farm VV Amusement