Full pedigree to the right, pictures of close relatives & progeny below
ADGA Sanctioned Show History:
Milk Test/DHIA Records
1st Lactation (2022): At 197 DIM, Mocha produced 360lbs of milk, 21lbs of butterfat and 18lbs of protein. Mocha earned her star in butterfat as an FF.
Thank you so much to Rarebird Farm!
2nd Lactation (2024): At 137 DIM, Mocha produced 400lbs of milk, 23lbs of butterfat and 17lbs of protein. We expect Mocha will earn her star in all three categories soon.
2*M Rarebird Farm F Mocha
Born: 1/17/2021
Alpha s1 Casein:
Freshenings: 2
Horn Status: Disbudded
Color: Chocolate Cou Clair

Dam's Pedigree/Photos
Dam: 1*M Rarebird Farm Tawney VEEE 90
Sire's Pedigree/Photos​
Sire: +*B Winning Streak EB Flawless
PC: Robin Akeret/Rarebird Farm
SD: 1*M Top Hat Farm S Biscayne | VEEE 90 (05-03)
PC: Tatiana Elizarova/Hilltown Meadows

SS: Dragonfly TRI Media is Fickle

SSD: 1*M Dragonfly B Dido | VVVV 87 (05-02)
Photo Credit: Top Hat Farm

Rarebird Farm PR Heron
Sire: Top Hat Farm LX Purple Rain
DOB: 3/17/2022
PC: Robin Akeret/Rarebird Farm