Day-Old Chick - Unsexed - $5.00 each
(Price increases $0.18/day - $1.25/week)
12 Fertile Hatching Eggs - $20.00
(Eggs are $1.67 each)
(The prices below may vary slightly based on the quality of the bird)
6 Week Old Pullet - $12.50
4 Week Old Cockerel - $5.00
8 Week Old Pullet - $15.00
8 Week Old Cockerel - $7.00
(We only ship up to 18 hatching eggs of any breed or combination of breeds at a time. The number of eggs that can be purchased from each breed will vary depending on breed, number of laying hens and availability)
History/Breed Information
Currently we have two pens of Watermaals.
Pen #1 includes a black watermaal male, heterozygous for crest, split to mottled and recessive white over one black watermaal female, heterozygous for crest, split to mottled and recessive white, as well as a black d'anvers female split to mottled and lavender.
Pen #2 includes a white watermaal male, heterozygous for crest, over a black watermaal female, heterozygous for crest, split to recessive white and mottled, another black watermaal female, genotypes unknown, and two white watermaal females with unknown genotypes.
Trifid - Three spikes on the back of a rose comb as opposed to the single leader found in D'Anvers